Thursday, March 5, 2015

Life Lately

Sooooooo I've been MIA for the longest time, but it's been quite a busy time in my life (#HowDoYouAdultTBH).

How do I even begin.

Uh, I graduated from university! I'm an official part of society and all that. All the tears and sleepless nights finally amounted to something I can be proud of. 

I got to write the script for a short film we made as a requirement for our Film class and our thesis got an exemplary mark. I think back to those four years and I was glad I chose this path and met a lot of people and experienced a lot of things. Although I am not the typical student of my major who would put herself out there (I am a paradox of a CA major, really), I was glad I had those four years to reaffirm what I want to do in my life. Although I am admittedly standing on shaky feet, I'm slowly but surely walking towards what I've always wanted to be, and that's okay.

April came and I became a pioneer Fellow in a writing workshop my university offered. I applied when I was still a student, so I was practically the only graduate participant. Though it was not an entirely new experience to get my work critiqued by prolific writers that I have somehow lucked out to have as my professors, it was my first time in a workshop and get my work appraised as more than just a paper submitted or an academic requirement.

Then the workshop was over, and I gave myself a couple of months to rest and watch all the drama series and films I wanted as an attempt for self-growth. While I was looking for work and second-doubting myself, friends talked me into joining the insanity that was a bunch of writing exchanges. While job-searching (and soul-searching) I was constantly thinking of new scenarios and how to make dialogue for certain characters better, and it was a truly valuable experience that honed my writing skills. And hey, I managed to fill pages with words that are not related to academics! So there's that.

Fast forward to November and it was NaNoWriMo. People who follow me on Twitter and Instagram may have wondered why I was constantly guzzling coffee and crying about word count and such through the whole month of November. It was actually for National Novel Writing Month, which some genius had thought out that it was a brilliant idea to motivate writers to attempt to write fifty thousand words in a span of thirty days. (Full disclosure: before signing up I thought I only had to write thirty thousand words haha. Welp.) And as wise men say, deadlines are the best motivation, and by some miracle I managed to wring out the required word count as the last day of the month ended. If you can look to the right of this blog page you can see a little widget showing how I fared. *victory arms*

So yeah, I kinda wrote a book.

It's still far from done (the plot bunny kinda became a plot monster) but I've been constantly editing and adding into it and I feel very proud of it (though it's probably rubbish right now). It's not in a state that I can publish it yet, but we'll get there!

December I took the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and despite not having enough time or resources to study, I managed to pass! I've always wanted to take this test; I wanted to prove that watching Japanese shows is more than a fleeting fancy and that I could be

And now I'm currently working as an editorial assistant for a publishing company. It's been tough, but I really like what I'm doing. I get to read books all day, and while there are moments when I doubt myself, I'm just really thankful I'm doing what I love and actually learning a living from it.

And soooooooo.... why this blog post?

I want to take this blogging thing seriously. Through the years (...since third year high school, wow) I've had a number of semi-private blogs across different platforms, and I'd like to utilize the "practice" I had writing in them to "blog properly." I need all the practice I could get, and this is a nice start. This should have been done at the beginning of the year (fresh start and all that), but things got busy, and this blog was originally started to mainly house stories, vignettes and poems I wrote inspired by pictures I saw on the internet (which sounds a lot like the berlin-artparasites Facebook page, now that I think about it) so I was hesitant to use it as a "blog". You may have noticed how I tend to ramble, and it may not jive with what I had initially made this blog to be. But I want to be able to look back to this place and remember both the abstract and the concrete. I don't want to live this life as if I'm just passing by; somehow, in my own little way, I want to make my own siginificant part of the universe).

So a little blog announcement: as of publishing, I'll be reformatting this blog as a portfolio + journal that will house my attempts at creativity. That can range from the shoots I do with friends, my many attempts at art, gushing at stationery, and putting all the movies and series I have watched into good use and writing film reviews and stuff. Maybe I'll move sites again, who knows, but for now, let's test the waters and see how this all works out.

But for now, hi, and hi again.

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